Saturday, February 04, 2006

A review. . . sort of

I frequently visit the National Review Online website to do research (EDITOR: he means "to shamelessly plagiarise better writers") for my other blog. On my most recent visit (which at this writing is still going on in another window), I came across a few lines about the movie The Jacket. The editors of National Review hilariously misunderstand the movie (but not so hilariously that it's worth actually watching the movie to get). Maybe they're kidding, even though they say "we're not kidding," a credible assertion for NRO. If you want to see the article, go here, then scroll to the last paragraph (because I still haven't figured out how to link to a particular spot on a page).

As for the movie itself, while I usually do reviews in this space, I don't want anyone to know I've seen the movie, so I won't review it. Just kidding! The real reason I'm not reviewing the movie is because I don't remember it very well. It had Keira Knightley in it, whom I like because she's really pretty, and Adrien Brody, who was in The Village, which is not a documentary about a homosexual disco group, nor a how-to on raising children scripted by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY). I liked The Village, but The Jacket was boring. I probably don't remember it because it didn't hold my attention. And Keira Knightley. . . she was in Pirates of the Caribbean, and King Arthur, or whatever that most recent King Arthur movie was called. The Jacket was far worse than either of them, mainly because it had no swords, and the fight scene(s) was/were lame. (I don't remember whether there was one or several, but I'm pretty sure there was at least one. And no good ones.) I think that The Jacket was supposed to be scary, but it wasn't. Maybe if I hadn't already seen The Ring, which is pretty much the ultimate in scary for those of us susceptible to subliminal fright. (EDITOR: Bob shouldn't say that, since he has never actually confirmed the rumour that The Ring uses subliminal images to scare viewers.)

There: I kind of reviewed The Jacket, though you probably learned nothing from that tangled mess of a paragraph (EDITOR: Finally, Bob writes something that I fully endorse), except that it's boring. And you have a link to a web page that has a link to Matter-Eater Lad's homepage. That's something.

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