Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Groundhog Day!

In the unlikely event that you have not seen Groundhog Day, make sure you go and rent it (tonight if possible, as soon as you can if not), or better still, buy it. It's a touching story about second chances and self-improvement. Oh, and you'll roll on the floor in uncontrollable fits of laughter. That too. It's widely considered Bill Murray's funniest performance, and it's one of the best-written movies to come along since the fifties (which is evident by its being one of a very few movies from the sixties-nineties period to age gracefully). It's also thoughtful enough that it's worth a second (or tenth) viewing.

That's my ever-so-brief movie review for today. Get Groundhog Day. I think I might just watch it again.

Backlog Bob


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