Thursday, March 09, 2006

LaVar's new job

LaVar Arrington lost his job with the Redskins. I know that's old news by now, but I don't like to report things that are unresolved. Well LaVar has found a job. He's stepping into LeVar Burton's role as the visor-wearing, blind engineer who reads books to children on Reading Rainbow. Now that Arrington is the host, they can stop printing special braille versions of the books. They will now be printed with a special ink that gives off a distinct gamma signature that can be detected by LaVar's visor. Ha ha! Just kidding. It's actually just a heat signature! Using ink irradiated with gamma radiation would be silly, not to mention dangerous.

I have to sign off now, lest this writing about gamma radiation turn me into the Hulk. Or Dave Barry.

Backlog Bob


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