Wednesday, October 26, 2005

HWoP (what is it? like 4?)

I was browsing libertarian blogs (see my libertarian blog), and I followed a link from one to a chickblog. You know, the blogging world's equivalent of a chickflick. Well, just as some chickflicks are funny (don't worry, I won't tell which ones - just tell your girlfriend/wife that the one she wants you to see isn't one of the funny ones), this chickblog is funny, at least in the two posts I read. Anyways, she used the phrase "so unrequitedly" in reference to... well I forgot what she was talking about, but I love that phrase. That's this (week's? month's?) HWoP:

so unrequitedly

and it fits my blog too: "I pour out my soul in this blog for both of my readers, and what do I get? I blog so unrequitedly."

Don't try to use the longer word without the smaller. It's a symbiotic relationship, quite necessary for the full effect. Your boss would call it synergy. Your boss is a chump. And so you will be too if you drop "unrequitedly" in a sentence somewhere, expecting it to be funny, without support from "so." "So" is like the air support in the war-like struggle for laughter. Don't send your ground troops in alone.

There. That was funny. Don't try to deny it. Or I will so send my "air support" at you.

Backlog Bob


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